Source code for monoseq.ipynb

Convenience wrapper around ``monoseq`` for use in the IPython Notebook.

.. moduleauthor:: Martijn Vermaat <>

.. Licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE.rst file.

import binascii
import os

from IPython.display import HTML

from .monoseq import HtmlFormat, pprint_sequence

#: Default CSS for styling in the IPython Notebook, suporting up to four
#: levels of annotation. They are displayed as red, inverted, underlined, and
#: bold.
{selector} {{
    background: white;
    color: black;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-decoration: none;
{selector} .monoseq-margin {{
    color: grey;
{selector} .monoseq-annotation-0 {{
    color: red;
{selector} .monoseq-annotation-1 {{
    background: black;
    color: white;
{selector} .monoseq-annotation-1 .monoseq-annotation-0 {{
    background: red;
    color: white;
{selector} .monoseq-annotation-2 {{
    text-decoration: underline;
{selector} .monoseq-annotation-3 {{
    font-weight: bold;

[docs]def Seq(sequence, annotations=None, block_length=10, blocks_per_line=6, style=DEFAULT_STYLE): """ Pretty-printed sequence object that's displayed nicely in the IPython Notebook. :arg style: Custom CSS as a `format string`, where a selector for the top-level ``<pre>`` element is substituted for `{selector}`. See :data:`DEFAULT_STYLE` for an example. :type style: str For a description of the other arguments, see :func:`monoseq.pprint_sequence`. """ seq_id = 'monoseq-' + binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(4)) pprinted = pprint_sequence(sequence, annotations=annotations, block_length=block_length, blocks_per_line=blocks_per_line, format=HtmlFormat) return HTML('<style>{style}</style><pre id="{seq_id}">{pprinted}</pre>' .format(style=style.format(selector='#' + seq_id), seq_id=seq_id, pprinted=pprinted))