Source code for monoseq.monoseq

``monoseq``, a Python library for pretty-printing DNA and protein sequences
using a monospace font.

.. moduleauthor:: Martijn Vermaat <>

.. Licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE.rst file.

import collections
import itertools
import math

[docs]class Format(collections.namedtuple('Format', ['annotations', 'margin'])): """ Type of output formats for pretty-printed sequences. :arg annotations: For each annotation level, a pair (`left`, `right`) of delimiters to use for enclosing a subsequence at that level. :type annotations: list :arg margin: A pair (`left`, `right`) of delimiters to use for enclosing the margin (containing sequence positions). :type margin: tuple The `annotations` field can have any number of items, any subsequent annotation levels will be ignored in pretty-printing sequences. """ pass #: Plaintext output format.
PlaintextFormat = Format([], ('', '')) #: Plaintext output format with ANSI escape codes. AnsiFormat = Format([('\033[91m', '\033[0m'), # Red. ('\033[1m', '\033[0m'), # Bold. ('\033[4m', '\033[0m')], # Underline. ('', '')) #: HTML output format. HtmlFormat = Format([('<span class="monoseq-annotation-%i">' % i, '</span>') for i in range(10)], ('<span class="monoseq-margin">', '</span>'))
[docs]def partition_range(stop, annotations=None): """ Partition the range from 0 to `stop` based on annotations. >>> partition_range(50, annotations=[[(0, 21), (30, 35)], ... [(15, 32), (40, 46)]]) [(0, 15, {0}), (15, 21, {0, 1}), (21, 30, {1}), (30, 32, {0, 1}), (32, 35, {0}), (35, 40, set()), (40, 46, {1}), (46, 50, set())] :arg stop: End point (not included) of the range (similar to the `stop` argument of the built-in :func:`range` function). :type stop: int :arg annotations: For each annotation level, a list of (`start`, `stop`) pairs defining an annotated region. :type annotations: list :return: Partitioning of the range as (`start`, `stop`, `levels`) tuples defining a region with a set of annotation levels. :rtype: list All regions (`start`, `stop`) are defined as in slicing notation, so zero-based and `stop` is not included. The `annotations` argument is a list of annotations. An annotation is a list of regions as (`start`, `stop`) tuples. The level of each annotation is its index in `annotations`. Annotation regions can overlap (overlap within one level is ignored) and do not need to be sorted. """ annotations = annotations or [] partitioning = [] part_start, part_levels = 0, None # We loop over the range, only touching positions where levels potentially # change. for p in sorted(set(itertools.chain([0, stop], *itertools.chain(*annotations)))): if p == stop: partitioning.append( (part_start, p, part_levels) ) break # Annotation levels for position p. levels = {level for level, regions in enumerate(annotations) if any(x <= p < y for x, y in regions)} if p == 0: part_levels = levels continue if levels != part_levels: partitioning.append( (part_start, p, part_levels) ) part_start, part_levels = p, levels return partitioning
[docs]def pprint_sequence(sequence, annotations=None, block_length=10, blocks_per_line=6, format=PlaintextFormat): """ Pretty-print sequence for use with a monospace font. >>> sequence = 'MIMANQPLWLDSEVEMNHYQQSHIKSKSPYFPEDKHICWIKIFKAFGT' * 4 >>> print pprint_sequence(sequence, format=PlaintextFormat) 1 MIMANQPLWL DSEVEMNHYQ QSHIKSKSPY FPEDKHICWI KIFKAFGTMI MANQPLWLDS 61 EVEMNHYQQS HIKSKSPYFP EDKHICWIKI FKAFGTMIMA NQPLWLDSEV EMNHYQQSHI 121 KSKSPYFPED KHICWIKIFK AFGTMIMANQ PLWLDSEVEM NHYQQSHIKS KSPYFPEDKH 181 ICWIKIFKAF GT :arg sequence: Sequence to pretty-print. :type sequence: str or any sliceable yielding slices representable as strings. :arg annotations: For each annotation level, a list of (`start`, `stop`) pairs defining an annotated region. :type annotations: list :arg block_length: Length of space-separated blocks. :type block_length: int :arg blocks_per_line: Number of blocks per line. :type blocks_per_line: int :arg format: Output format to use for pretty-printing. Some formats are pre-defined as :data:`HtmlFormat`, :data:`AnsiFormat`, and :data:`PlaintextFormat`. :type format: :class:`Format` :return: Pretty-printed version of `sequence`. :rtype: str All regions (`start`, `stop`) are defined as in slicing notation, so zero-based and `stop` is not included. The `annotations` argument is a list of annotations. An annotation is a list of regions as (`start`, `stop`) tuples. The level of each annotation is its index in `annotations`. Annotation regions can overlap (overlap within one level is ignored) and do not need to be sorted. The number of annotation levels supported depends on `format`. :data:`HtmlFormat` supports 10 levels, :data:`AnsiFormat` supports 3 levels and annotations are ignored completely with :data:`PlaintextFormat`. """ annotations = annotations or [] partitioning = partition_range(len(sequence), annotations) # The maximum length for positions is the 10_log of the length of the # sequence. margin = int(math.floor(math.log(max(len(sequence), 1), 10)) + 1) + len(format.margin[0]) result = (format.margin[0] + '1').rjust(margin) + format.margin[1] + ' ' for p in range(0, len(sequence), block_length): # Partitioning of the block starting at position p. block = [(max(start, p), min(stop, p + block_length), levels) for start, stop, levels in partitioning if start < p + block_length and stop > p] result += ' ' for start, stop, levels in block: delimiters = [(left, right) for level, (left, right) in enumerate(format.annotations) if level in levels] result += (''.join(left for left, right in reversed(delimiters)) + str(sequence[start:stop]) + ''.join(right for left, right in delimiters)) if (not (p + block_length) % (block_length * blocks_per_line) and p + block_length < len(sequence)): result += ('\n' + (format.margin[0] + str(p + block_length + 1)).rjust(margin) + format.margin[1] + ' ') return result